Monday, April 7, 2008

A Milestone and a Discovery

my son, jesse, had his first birthday this past week. that is a major milestone for him and for us, his parents. the past year has flown by and he has grown and changed in so many ways. it all has happened so fast. he is trying to communicate, he is eating real food, he has teeth, he is almost walking, his personality is amazing, i could go on and on.

sometimes my days seem to run together. pretty much wake up, get jesse and spend my day doing the stuff that has to be done. but then there are moments of such amazing discovery and joy for both of us. jesse discovers a new taste and i discover a new expression on his face. he discovers he can pull himself up and i discover i have a whole new set of worries - will he fall, will he hurt himself.

yesterday at church, our worship leader was talking about how much God loves us and looks after us and how much more He is able to do for us than our dads. it got me thinking about how everything jesse does is amazing to me and makes me love him even more. last night, we were playing on the floor and he grabbed my foot and me, being very ticklish there, pulled it away really fast and he just thought that was hilarious. his laughter made everything else unimportant at the moment.

so i was thinking how our reactions to God must make Him feel. we are his children and He is watching our every step, every laugh, every hurt. if God has the same feeling for me that i have for jesse, that is incredible and even a little overwhelming to me. i know there are times when jesse has thrown his sippy cup on the floor for the 20th time, that i get frustrated and yet under it all i love him more than i can express. and that is the same God feels for me. when i have messed up for the millionth time, He is frustrated and disappointed but still loves me more and more. how unbelievable is that.

today as i head into my normal routine, i am purposing to realize more of how God loves and cares for me and wants to help me learn, grow, and discover His plan for me, just like i want help jesse learn, grow, and discover who he is.