Tuesday, May 5, 2009

more from the retreat

i am at the 2009 adoptive moms retreat. what an amazing time and what an amazing group of women. all of these women have chosen to adopt children - a lot or few, domestic or international, birth adoption or foster care. even if the children these women have brought into their homes aren't legally adopted in the end, they have adopted them into their hearts and have given that child what may be their first taste of unconditional, true love. these women truly amaze me. to hear their stories and see their hearts for the orphans, the unwanted, abused children of the world is such a picture of God's love for us.

i came here with two of my closest friends, who are also adoptive moms. i am so thankful for their friendship and support. they have helped make this weekend exactly what i needed.

i have been kind of at the end of my strength the last few weeks. not that anything is terribly wrong in my life. i think i have just needed time to recharge and didn't even realize it.

all of the workshops and speakers are great but for me, just time to laugh, talk and spend time with friends has been so rejuvenating. the time of worship has been needed too.

i feel a little guilty that i get this time and philip doesn't. i have talk to him and jesse a couple of times and they are having a good time together. and that was my prayer on the way up here, that this would be a special time for them too.

i am so thankful that i was able to go to this retreat.

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