Monday, May 4, 2009

my great weekend

ok, ok, so i missed few days. but i had a good excuse. i was at an adoptive moms retreat at a great lodge in easton, washington.

it was exactly what i needed. i needed some time to remind myself who stephanie was, besides mommy and wife. the time with my friends, lori and tina, was priceless. the laughter, the giving each other a hard time, the talks about nothing and the talks about everything filled me up.

but i think the thing that touched me the most was hearing all these other adoptive moms' stories. hearing about how God answered the cries of their hearts like He did mine. to realize that these women in answering the call that God put on their hearts changed the stories of the children that come into their hearts and homes.

spending time with these women reminded me how blessed i am and how precious the gift of jesse is. i know these things but need to be reminded when i get bogged down in the day to day life.

thank You, Lord, for my son, my heart.

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